5 Tips To Consider For The Best Domain Name

After determining about running online website for the business, the next step comes in the way is to select a good domain name. It is true that everyone needs an eyeful and informative domain name for business. Here, eyeful name means an attractive name that lures visitors to visit your website while informative name means your domain name should reflect your business perspective.

Tips To Consider For Domain Name

Image Credit: Pixabay

In this short piece of information, we will reveal about tips to consider before choosing a domain name for business but before it let’s understand about domain name in detail.

What is Domain Name?

Without digging about technicality of domain name, we can define domain name as a representative name of your website, but do not confuse it with URL because URL is a full path of your webpage.

For example, yourdomain.com is a domain name while https://www.yourdomain.com is the URL path.

Domain name should have maximum length of 67 characters. It does not matter that how long or short you keep domain name but the main thing is the relevancy and purposeful blend of characters. Even many site owners use “The” and “My”, which is also a painful as visitors may forget to write “The” or “My” in domain name.

Always avoid similar domain name and make sure that you are not violating trademark policy of your competitor’s domain name. Now let us focus on some points that will help you in deciding domain name.

Points to remember during domain name selection:

1.  Cost Effectiveness

Before buying any domain name, you should think about the cost. There are many domain names available at low price that will give you more options to choose the best domain name as per business requirement. Almost every single website owner wish to take .com, .org or .net domain names which are common name over the web. Hence, it is costly and not easily available because many owners have registered it.

2.   Hyphenated Names

There are advantages and disadvantages of keeping hyphenated names for domain. If talking about disadvantage first, then visitors frequently do not remember hyphenated names and perhaps it may happen that they will land up on rival’s site without entering hyphen between domain name or can cause errors too. On other hand, domain name with hyphen is good for search engine which counts each keyword separately and can increase visibility of the website. Even a long name with two or three hyphens makes it unique. It might happen that if you find some domain name more attractive which someone has already taken, then you can use hyphen for that particular domain name after checking the trademark policy.

For example, my-hosting-plus.com instead of myhostingplus.com.

3.   Relevancy

Keep in mind your business products not company name while selecting domain. For example, if your company is providing fast food then, go for pizza.com, buypizzaonline.com, pizzaonline.com instead of fastfood.com. Domain name should target the product that you offer as it will bring more traffic to website and also enhance visibility in search engine.

4.   List out domain names

When you try to register your domain, always note down three to four domain names because it may happen that your choice domain is already taken. Keep unique name as per business product along with different extensions (.bz, .edu, .guru, .co, .mobi) which have highly chances of availability. Try two whole words, phrase, blend of two words, prefix and suffix words to make domain name attractive and exceptional.

5.   Bring to mind about Visitors

When you think of your domain name, always think of your visitors and customers first as the sale of products depends on their search patterns. Therefore, it depends on what they like rather than what you like. When a visitor hears about domain name, he should be able to imagine about the product and subject of your website.


Domain name carries a significant aspect of the business. Once you purchased domain name, you should not change it frequently as customers memorize your company with that domain name. If you try to change it in the meantime, you may lose customer base. Therefore, when you select the domain name, the above-suggested points will help to select domain name for the website.
