SGC SSL Certificates Coupon Code

Step up your old browser with SGC certificates. Now getting an SGC (Server Gated Cryptography) SSL certificate is so easy and cheap with SGC SSL coupon codes. Fortify your old browser and provide your customers up to the mark 256-bit encryption with this certificate. This certificate is a blessing for many individuals and businesses that are still using old version browsers. It is most compatible with mobile and PC browsers like Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and Safari. Presently, SSL seekers can take advantage of an EV certificate with such a certificate. Save huge money with given promotional code and get the latest 2048-bit RSA key at a cheaper price. It is a great opportunity to win customer’s trust as well as save money using such an amazing discount offer.

Get flat 20% Off on SSL Certificates

Purchase all Thawte SSL Certificates (except Wildcard SSL Certificate) at 20% discounted price. This...
$127.8 ONLY

10% off on Thawte SGC SuperCert Certificate, get at only $127.8/yr

Secure your website with Thawte SGC SuperCert Certificate and get strongest encryption. Now availabl...
$225 ONLY

Pay USD 225 per year for Comodo SGC Wildcard Certificate, 25% off

Flat 25% off on Comodo SGC Wildcard Certificate. Secure unlimited sub domains with main domain and u...
$247.99 ONLY

Buy Thawte SGC Super Certs for 3 year and get it for $247.99/yr

You can save 17% discount on Thawte Super Certs certificate and get discount price USD 247.99/yr. Th...
$984.49 Only

Purchase Symantec Secure Site Pro EV SGC Certificate at only $984.49/yr

Promotional offer on Symantec Secure Site Pro with EV SGC, available at discounted price of $984.49/...