Write for Us:
Cheap SSL Coupon Code is the most popular platform where users can easily find latest deals and discount offers on SSL Certificates, Software, Web Hosting and Domain Names. Now, we are inviting individuals and IT professionals to join our community as a contributor. Our doors are always open for credible, passionate and subject matter writers who are interested to share their experience and open-minded thoughts with us.
We accept articles:- How to
- Tips and Tricks
- Brand Review
- Product Review
If you have an idea that can move our industry forward, we would like to hear from you. Article should be containing original content and accurate grammar. You can write topics on below categories:
- Technology
- Online Security
- Cybercrime / Hacking
- IT Management
- Big Data
- Hosting
- Domain Registration
- SSL certificates
- Software
Contributor Guidelines:
- Article length should be 1000+ words.
- The article should be descriptive and focused on the main subject.
- The tone of the article should be informative and engaging.
- Use US accent in the article with proper grammar.
- Avoid jargons, vagueness and omit unnecessary words.
- Please suggest two-three article titles.
- The article should have headings/sub headings for easy understanding.
- The article should have a summary of your whole content.
- We do not accept copy content of other websites or blogs so make sure your content is unique and free from duplication.
- Kindly place an image, example codes, reference links, research report, PDF in article for better insight.
- Image size should be of minimum 600px wide with PNG, GIF, and JPEG format.
- Our editor team will review the content and get back to you in case of changes require.
- Don’t forget to add your Author bio to get credential of your work.
- Once the article is approved, it will be published in blog section.
- We hold the right to edit content or remove any back link.
Benefits for Contributor:
Cheap SSL Coupon Code bears vast base of visitors so, if you are managing corporate entity or an individual and would like to publish content on our website, you will get benefits as below.
- As a skilled and experienced person at your front, you will have advantage to spread your own thoughts with your own Author Bio.
- We will promote your content at our social networking platforms such as twitter and Google plus.
How to Submit Content?
Once you have been completed an article, then review it with the peace of mind and save the content as a MS Word. After that, send it on below email. info@cheapsslcouponcode.com