What is SSL Certificate?

SSL certificate is one of the website's security remedies to keep you safe while browsing and making transactions online. SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer. As the name itself says secured layer or secured path for data transformation. As we know, everything good comes along with the bad and the risk in it. In the same way, while browsing online, there are many risks. There's always a solution to every problem and there is nothing impossible in this world because every problem has its own remedy.

It is important because the information or message passed by you travels through the server to a web browser and a web browser to the server to reach the destination. So to stop the interruption of third-person, an SSL certificate is required as it doesn't allow any interruption by the third party. Any third party in between you and the server can't see your information transferred between the web browser and the webserver.



Image Credit: Pixabay

Benefits of Having an SSL Certificate: 

Benefits of having a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Certificate is beneficiary to both customers as well as the owner of the site.

As it helps to build the trust as well as its and secured pipe to transmit data between server and browser.
Below are some advantages let's have a look at them.

  1. Provides Authentication

    Having it ensures authentication. By authentication interpreting the data sent to a targeted server, not to the unwanted or unauthorized third party. SSL cert acts as a mediator between browser and SSL server to show that providers or sites can be trusted.
  2. Guards Against Phishing Attacks

    Phishing is part of fraud in which attackers intimates as real person or organization and asks the user to visit the fake link, once clicked then it may drive you to a malicious website or login page. There are many ways to prevent against phishing attack out of the one solution is to have SSL security. With the help of that risk are avoided and the user is safe to browse.
  3. Improves Customer’s Trust

    While surfing online basic needs of the customer is the cheap rate, good quality, and security. With the help of the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Certificate, one gets green padlock before the URL. And seeing the green padlock and secure written customer feels relax to share their sensitive information and can browse safely with this the bounce rate of site decreases, and becomes customer reliable site. Providing them a secured browsing experience or environment helps to ensure a positive buying experience.
  4. Better Search Engine Ranks

    As we all know Google recently released one update relating to security certificate & it is now necessary to have HTTPS and SSL on your site. Amongst 200+ algorithms, Secure Sockets Layer Certificate is definitely one of them. Recently major communities are favoring SSL encryption to establish trust and secure environment over the web. It helps to boost the organic search rankings in Google. And also it brings your site a competitive advantage in Google's Search Engine Result Page (SERPs)
  5. Brand Identity

    With the help of one of the Certificates named EV SSL, you can show brand identity to the people. In the rest of the certificate, it displays “Secure” But having Extended Validation Certificate will showcase brand name which is enough to gain the trust of the customer as the brand identity is there and they are ensured that they are surfing with real brand page online, not a fake one.
  6. Encrypt Information

    Information submitted to the internet often passes through more than one PC before reaching the final destination, a strong hurdle is supposed to be built that third party doesn't intercept. Digital certificate enters some special characters into the original information rendering it inexplicable to anyone without the proper encryption key. The most recognizable is the replacement of “HTTP” to “HTTPS”.

Three Main Types:

1. Domain Validation
2. Organization Validation
3. Extended Validation

1. Domain Validation:

In Domain Validation, the only domain is verified and approved. No other information like business background, the personal background is required while the installation process. It takes less time in the installation process. It's cheapest amongst other certificates. It is also known as Standard Domain Certificates and also provides “Secure Site Seal Trust”.

2. Organization Validation:

Organization Validation is one step forward to DV. It requires business verification. CA authority first ensures the identity and if found real then only approves further, cross verification of each detail takes up to 2 to 3 days. OV SSL cert is considered to be more trustworthy than DV as it verifies the business details.

3. Extended Validation:

It's again a step ahead in validation compared to the OV certificate. It refers to an extended validation procedure providing pleasing authentication for online business. EV Certificate is highly recommended for e-commerce sites, as customer surfing online needs to know that is he/she dealing with the actual site?. It will display the business name in the address bar, which helps to gain the trust of the customer easily. It offers a transparent solution to the visitor and site owner.

SSL FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Are you a newbie to Digital Certificate? Then the below text is going to be useful to enhance your knowledge about Secure Sockets Layer. Yes, we bring SSL FAQs that may be useful in selecting your desired certificate. So, let's go through it one by one.

Q1. How does SSL Certificate work?

It is a protocol that creates a secure pool in which the information is passing between the server and the browser. However, SSL certificate works on 256-bit encryption and 2048-bit RSA keys that encrypt the data. There are two keys aka private key and public key. A public key is used to encrypt the data while the private key is used to decrypt the data. When you have it, you will have green padlock and HTTPS enabled on the browser.

Q2. What is meant by certificate authority?

A certificate authority (CA) is an entity that issues SSL certs. It helps websites to shows people that online identity is verified by the trusted certificate authority. The CA issues thousands of certificates every year.

Q3. Why do we need SSL Cert?

Every website needs it. The ultimate purpose behind installing it is to protect your website from malicious attacks and secure transactional details of your customers. Users trust any site that holds the security certificate as the certificate denotes security and ensures that the customers’ data is secured over the website.

Q4. What is the difference between SSL and TLS?

SSL and TLS both are a protocol that provides identity authentication and data security with adding encryption between servers and browsers. Secure Sockets Layer is the forerunner to TLS. Both versions work on the same level. TLS is a new and upgraded version of SSL protocol. It is simple to remember that both are protocols that perform a handshake process between the server and the browser. Netscape initially developed SSL. In 1996, SSL V3.0 came into force, but due to some vulnerabilities, TLS was introduced in 1999 as a successor of SSL protocol. At present, browsers prefer the TLS version only.

Q5. How to choose the right SSL certificate?

The best way to select a perfect certificate is to know the security requirements of your website and, accordingly, compare and consult providers to choose the right certificate for your website.

After going through the benefits we guess you might have come to the solution that security certificate is worth investing in, A secure & trusted seal between browser & server. Customers feel easy to share their sensitive data using a security certificate which ultimately leads you to higher profit and better ranking. So don't forget to pull your socks up and run to make the purchase of an SSL Certificate.

Q6. Is SSL Certificate available on discount/free price?

Free SSL cert fit into two categories. 'Self-Signed Certificates' are the ones where there is no requirement for any Certificate Authority to sign them. A guarantor validates such certificates himself/herself.

The second kind of free certificate accessible in the market is marked by a Certificate Authority (CA). It gives similar encryption as the paid ones, but it comes with 1-3 months validity as a trial certificate. To get a discount on SSL certs you should visit cheapsslcouponcode.com

Q7. Does SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) Certificate build trust on a website?

It is the standard security technology for setting up an encoded connection between a web server and a web browser. It encodes information in the transmission and guarantees that all data that is sent is secured (no information sent in plain message). Secure Sockets Layer certificate validated by a CA shows a green padlock lock in the browser before the website URL. Moreover, the site address starts with HTTPS instead of HTTP.

Q8. How much does the SSL certificate cost?

The cost of an SSL cert differs based on the provider, certificate type, duration, and validation criteria. It is available as per your requirements from various certificate resellers. You can obtain it with a maximum of 2 years of validity whereas a free subscription is valid from 30-90 days.

Q9. Which is the Best SSL Certificate to Buy?

A best SSL certificate is defined through the security and validation it provides. The ultimate purpose of the certificate is to secure your website data and its credentials. The types of certificates depend upon your website requirements like single domain, multi-domain, unlimited sub-domains, etc. Each certificate has its unique usage that matches with website needs.
