How To Buy Domain Name That Is Already Enrolled?

Selecting a domain for business is an important aspect. The domain that you select must be an eye catching, memorable and engaging. It is obvious that you have set your choice domain name in mind and for that you search for a domain registrar. Usually it happens that someone else has already taken your first choice of domain name. It creates an annoying situation, but there is no need to lose hope as it is quite essential to check whether the domain is attached with any site. It may happen that the person who has bought the domain has not used it yet or may not believe it to be important.

So in this case, how to buy a domain name that is already registered is a question for people, right? This article will help you to get your desired domain name with stepwise instructions.

domain for resale

1.   Find out who purchased the domain name you desire:

If you have decided to get your choice name, then the first step is to find the owner of the domain name. Luckily, it is easy to find the name of a person using WHOIS service. A WHOIS will reveal about the time of domain registration, expiry date and registrar name. Even you can know the owner’s name and email address. Once you get an idea of domain status, you can further contact the owner and negotiate for the domain name. Before approaching to the owner, keep in mind that the domain name may be used for other purpose, for example email address. Start conversion by telling them that you like the domain name and would like to purchase it. You will face a higher price expectation from the owner so make a negotiable offer. It is necessary to have a keen desire on both seller and buyer side.

2.   Get information about domain expiry:

If you are unable to please the domain owner with your offer, then you have to wait until the domain is expired. Many registrars put the domain name for general registration and some of them put it for auction. The most popular domain auction site is Sedo, AfterNic, Bido, and NameJet. These auction services offer brokerage services and also buy a domain name on your behalf. You have to pay the fee once the domain is purchased. The fee may vary depends upon the purchased domain. It may happen that the required domain will be available at expensive prices.

3.   Go for Backorder:

A backorder request could work for you. The domain registrar will catch the domain name for you when the domain is available. They assume that the domain has not been renewed by domain owner within the given grace period. If there is a rush for a particular domain name, the first person to register for it will get the advantage to buy the expired domain. If the required domain name is not much in demand, then backorder is an ideal way to get your preferred domain name.

Some more tips listed below will help to while buying domain name:

Few tips while buying already registered domain:

It is good to look at few more points for security reasons before making a decision of buying a domain given as under.

  • Do not go for such domain names that are already penalized by Google even if it is a great domain name. To verify, tab the domain name in google search engine and if it does not come out on the first page along with TLD, then it may be a penalized domain. Write and check if it is penalized or not.
  • If you are paying a higher amount for the domain name, then escrow payment services are the best option because you are making payment to a third party in an overseas sale. Do not go with wire transfer or bank transfer for payment.
  • Before deciding a price for the domain, check other similar domains with similar TLDS. It will give an idea about the exact price for the domain name.


Getting your favorite domain via resale is a kind of a tough competition where you have to face the high price dilemma. The above guidance will help you to achieve your goal for a required domain. If your selected domain name is a vital part of your company, then it is valuable to invest time and effort to obtain it.
